Une mathématicienne encourage la recherche
Les scientifiques ne sont pas les seul·e·s à avoir besoin de connaissances spécialisées dans leur domaine académique, les personnes qui accompagnent les projets de recherche sur le plan administratif en ont également besoin. Mathématicienne de formation, Valerie Koller s'engage dans l'administration fédérale pour la recherche spatiale suisse.
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De la cosmologie à l'univers des données
La numérisation est l'une des mégatendances de notre société. La plupart des professions sont touchées d'une manière ou d'une autre par cette évolution, et en ce qui concerne Shiva Farghar, cela saute aux yeux : cette physicienne de formation travaille comme 'Data Science Consultant' dans l'entreprise de conseil zurichoise D ONE.
Immagine: D ONE
Empowering female students and junior colleagues
Corinne Charbonnel is a full professor of astrophysics at the University of Geneva. This is not a matter of course, as she was only the second woman ever to be appointed to a professorship at the Astronomy Department of the University of Geneva. The 57-year-old scientist is a strong advocate for young female researchers, among other things as a mentor.
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Our central star in view
"I have a liking for the sun." This is the motto Louise Harra uses to headline her Twitter account. Indeed, the Northern Irish-born astrophysicist has devoted her entire research life to our central star. For three years now, the astrophysicist has been the head of the 'Physical-Meteorological Observatory Davos' (PMOD), a research institution rich in tradition for the exploration of the sun and the exact determination of solar radiation.
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An academic career close to home
Dr Anne Verhamme teaches as an assistant professor of Astronomy at the University of Geneva and researches how galaxies release energy into the universe. The 42-year-old French woman is also a mother of three teenagers and lives in Annecy. That sounds like a proof that a scientific career and family are compatible today. However, Anne Verhamme had to overcome a few hurdles before she got to that point.
Immagine: SNF