Ce portail offre des connaissances de base sur le thème de l'astronomie et présente les travaux et coopérations de recherche actuels en Suisse.

Immagine: ESO

Recherche en Suisse

A wide range of astronomical topics are being researched at Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and other institutes. This is often realised in cooperation with international organisations. We provide as complete and organised an overview as possible of the branches of research within Switzerland. Links are also provided to respective research groups. Some of these groups deal with several related areas and are therefore listed more than once.

The following publications provide a good overview of all activities in the field of astronomy in Switzerland:

Logo of European Space Agency

Switzerland is a member of the ESA (European Space Agency) and can use its infrastructure.


Switzerland is a member of the ESO (European Southern Observatory) and exploits its observation infrastructure.

Logo von International Space Science Institute (ISSI)

The Swiss researcher Johannes Geiss founded the ISSI (International Space Science Institute) in Bern. It is a non-profit organisation that promotes the exchange of researchers, thus ensuring the scientific evaluation of data from space missions.

Switzerland is a member of the IAU (International Astronomical Union), an organisation that promotes research worldwide relating to astronomical topics.