Partendo dall'origine della richezza d‘acqua in Svizzera – ovvero le precipitazioni, partircolarmente abbondanti soprattutto nelle Alpi – il portale web spiega i vari aspetti rilevanti a livello idrologico, sociale, ecologico, di gestione dell'acqua dei fiumi e dellle loro portate.di più

Immagine: thomasfuer, photocase.dedi più

Save the date: “Water resources and alpine rivers: adaptation to the challenges of climate change”

Luogo della manifestazione

Impérial Palace
Allée de l'Impérial
74000 Annecy

Organised within the framework of the French Presidency of the Alpine Convention, the conference deals with current issues relating to adaptation to climate change.

Ville d’Annecy
Immagine: Isabelle Morissot

The Conference will take place from lunch to lunch, starting on Tuesday 18 February at 12.30 and closing on Wednesday 19 February at 14:00. The Conference will comprise plenary and workshop sessions. A visit of a local site and a conference dinner will be offered on Tuesday 18 February. The full programme will be communicated nearer the date.

A registration link will be communicated with the programme.


Alpine Convention


Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention
Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 15
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Tel. +43/512/5885890


  • Alpi
The conference languages will be French, Italian, German and Slovenian, with simultaneous translation provided.
Lingue: Tedesco, Italiano, Sloveno, Francese