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Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 39 No. 2

Guest-edited by Carolina Adler of the Mountain Research Initiative, this issue contributes to the literature being assessed for the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report and particularly its cross-chapter paper on mountains. Articles focus on participatory scenario planning in Iceland; risk awareness of migrants in rural Austria; assessment of alpine pastures to guide adaptation in the French Alps; the role of different sources of knowledge in adaptation, eg farmers’ perceptions in Venezuela and Colombia, local knowledge in Ecuador, and multiple epistemologies in the Indian Himalaya; local adaptations to water scarcity in the Hindu Kush–Himalaya; the declining contribution of glaciers to water resources in the Mongolian Altai; a worldwide assessment of national glacier monitoring; and an overview of trends and adaptation initiatives in African mountains.

Mountain Research and Development Vol 39, No 2: Adaptation to Climate Change and Sustainable Mountain Development
Immagine: MRD
