Il portale web fornisce l'accesso a metodi e strumenti per la collaborazione tra esperti e parti coinvolte dalla scienza e dalla pratica al fine di rispondere alle sfide sociali che sono sia reali che specifiche del contesto.di più

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Shared experiences

Many of the methods compiled in our web portal can be used in different contexts, in different ways and partly also in combination with other tools. In this section, authors report on practical experiences they’ve made with these methods. This may be useful for picturing how the methods work.

This section is extended continuously.

Reports on combination of methods

Ten Reflective Steps for Rendering Research Societally Relevant (10step approach in a capacity building setting applying actor constellation, most significant change, three types of knowledge amongst others)

Early Career Scientist Transdisciplinary Workshop
(applying venn diagram, three types of knowledge, toolbox dialogue approach amongst others)

Berichte zu einzelnen Methoden (alphabetisch geordnet)

Actor constallation

Constellation Analysis

Delphi method

Emancipatory Boundary Critique (EBC)

Most significant change

Multi-stakeholder discussion group

Nomadic concepts

Outcome space framework

Rich picture

Soft system methodology


Tell your story be means of an object

Theory of Change (ToC)

Three types of knowledge

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td-net – Network for Transdisciplinarity Research

If you’ve made any experiences with methods for co-producing knowledge, please contact us to share your own (brief) experience and help us to develop this section into a rich and lively place.