Il portale web fornisce l'accesso a metodi e strumenti per la collaborazione tra esperti e parti coinvolte dalla scienza e dalla pratica al fine di rispondere alle sfide sociali che sono sia reali che specifiche del contesto.di più

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When targeted at tackling societal challenges, inter- and transdisciplinary research involves varying points of view, interests or political goals. Ways of how research can be societally relevant need to be identified. Specific tools that help to deal with these challenges and shape collaboration between experts and stakeholders from science and practice in systematic and traceable ways are therefore needed.

The resources provided here are contributed by experts from the international community of transdisciplinarians and related academic fields. Get involved in the network of peers!

Communities of Practice have translated the td-net Toolbox into Japanese and are currently working on a Spanish translation as well. Spanisch.

Explore methods and tools for co-producing knowledge

You can search for methods using process phases, key issues, the list of methods compiled in our own toolbox or related resource compilations:


exchanges at the IDT conference 2017_small

Contributions and feedback by:
our td community

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Financial support by:


Theres Paulsen
Rete per la ricerca transdisciplinare (td-net)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

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td-net – Network for Transdisciplinarity Research

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