Applying td methods and tools thoughtfully
Generic aspects to consider when applying td methods
Methods can support co-production of knowledge. The success of co-production depends on several types of expertise of leaders of a td research, including:
- methodological expertise;
- content-related expertise;
- social-dynamic expertise (Defila & DiGiulio 2019).
The circumstances under which different groups or people can collaborate are shaped by many aspects such as pre-existing power relations and hierarchies, and their specific democratic, demographic and political conditions (Hemström et al. 2021).
Please also consider that many of the td methods are only promising, when there is a readiness and openness to engage in a dialogue amongst the relevant actors to be involved. If an initial readiness and openness is lacking, other approaches such as mediation may be better placed.
If you decide to apply td methods, be aware that this requires more than selecting one method and following a step-by-step procedure. You may think about
- the context of the co-production process at hand, and considering the extent to which the method can be replicated and transferred, or may need to be adapted;
- how to adapt a chosen method to the specific situation and context (field of research, actors involved, power relations, culture of collaboration);
- how to further elaborate on the different perspectives identified with the help of a td method (e.g., by identifying a common ground or by exploring conflicting perspectives);
- how to combine methods;
- how to induce reflexivity in td researchers so that they contribute to an iterative co-production process.
Below, we list a selection of links that support researchers in developing a professional attitude towards generic requirements when leading a co-production process.
This list is not exhaustive and may be complemented/adjusted over time. The list builds on interactions between td-net and its community in the years 2021 – 2022 and has been compiled pragmatically, without any structured approach to select and qualify the resources or to counter-act bias, e.g. regarding world regions or languages. The main intention is to provide some first inspiration and orientation by showcasing the work of capacity building providers which is relevant for td research.