La fisica delle particelle esplora gli elementi fondamentali della materia e le loro interazioni, che determinano la struttura della materia nel nostro universo. Il portale web rende questa affascinante ricerca comprensibile ad un pubblico interessato.di più

Immagine: ESO, R. Fosburydi più
Proton-Proton Collision (LHC, CERN)

Modern physics relies on an elegant «Standard Model of particle physics», a quantum field theory based on three symmetries and a symmetry breaking. This theory describes and explains magnificently all experimental results obtained so far. With the discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the last missing piece of the Standard Model has been experimentally confirmed. Experiments at CERN and at other international laboratories now continue to test the validity and limits of the Standard Model in ever widening scope. However, for a comprehensive understanding of the laws of nature a theory beyond the Standard Model is needed, which should include gravitation and explain the presence of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.

Eventi, Notizie, Pubblicazioni

Logo der Swiss Quantum Days

Switzerland's Role in the International Year of Quantum – SQI at the Swiss Quantum Days 2025

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) is participating in the Swiss Quantum Days in Arosa with three events: an update on the initiative by Nicolas Gisin, President of the Swiss Quantum

Immagine: Swiss Quantum Days
Vortrag ANG 2024 Quantencomputer

Quantencomputer als Schlüssel zu neuen Einsichten in die Physik

Die Voraussagen der Quantenphysik sind über nun fast genau hundert Jahre durch unzählige Experimente bestätigt worden. Trotzdem birgt die Quantenphysik fundamentale Rätsel, die trotz intensiver Forschung ungelöst geblieben sind. Ein

Immagine: ETH Zürich / Daniel Winkler