Temi associati

Schweizer Perspektive auf das Missbrauchspotential biologischer Forschung
Schweizer Forschende der Biowissenschaften stehen einem formellen Verhaltenskodex zur Verhinderung von Missbrauch biologischer Forschung kritisch gegenüber. Dies ist eines der Ergebnisse eines Projektes des Forum Genforschung zur Biosecurity, das nun in der Fachzeitschrift „Frontiers in Bioengineering & Biotechnology“ publiziert wurde.
Immagine: Creative Commons
Biosecurity in the everyday laboratory work : why do I need to be concerned?
In collaboration with experts of the Federal Office for civil Protection, the Curriculum Biosafety offers for the first time an advanced training course in Biosecurity.
Immagine: A. Chiang (flickr)
The potential for misuse in life sciences research needs to be discussed
A new report by the Academies of Arts and Sciences provides a discussion basis for scientists on how to address the risk of misuse of biological research

Misuse of biological research: Do we need to be concerned?
Biocrimes have been committed. But they have been rare, happened far away and mostly involved natural pathogens. So should we as scientists be concerned at all?
Immagine: A. Chiang (flickr)
How to address the misuse potential of biological research?
In spring 2016, the Forum for Genetic Research organized with the support of the Federal Office of Public Health three workshops on "How to address the misuse potential of biological research? More than 40 life science researchers took part. They discussed how the research community is currently addressing the "dual use" dilemma and which additional tools could be useful.
Immagine: Hannah Ambühl, ProClim-