Neve, ghiacciai e permafrost sono di grande importanza per la Svizzera e i loro cambiamenti sono documentati da misurazioni dettagliate. Questo portale web mostra e spiega alcune serie di misurazioni a lungo termine selezionate della criosfera.di più

Immagine: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmondi più

First Swiss Global Change Day

6 April 2000 in Bern

Luogo della manifestazione


On 6 April 2000 ProClim- organized the first Swiss Global Change Day in Bern. After the end of the main national environmental research programs (SPP Environment, NRP 31) the aim of the meeting was to provide a platform where the Swiss global change research community can meet as a whole and discuss current problems in a transdisciplinary manner. It is planned to organize such a meeting every spring. About 160 participants took the opportunity to hear about new findings and future challenges in the broad field of global environmental change research.

Teaser: First Swiss Global Change Day


Lingue: Inglese