Il portale web «SCNAT sapere» offre orientamento. L’Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT) e la sua rete raggruppono lo stato delle conoscenze connesse alla Svizzera sulla base di solidi risultati scientifici – a disposizione della politica, dell'amministrazione, dell'economia, della scienza e della pratica.di più

Immagine: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitiondi più

African Cochrane Indaba

Luogo della manifestazione

Cape Town
South Africa

The main of objective of the conference will be to share knowledge, experiences and build skills for evidence-informed policy-making and knowledge translation in South Africa and Africa.


Key people who will be present include Dr Karamagi, Head of Knowledge Management at WHO-Afro; Prof Ongolo-Zogo, Cameroon Centre for the Development of Best Practices in Health; Prof Holger Schünemann, McMaster University; Prof Lawrence Mbuagbaw, McMaster University; Dr Emmanuel Effa, Calabar University, Nigeria; Dr Karla Soares-Weiser, Cochrane Senior Editor; Prof Jimmy Volmink, Dean Stellenbosch University Faculty of Health Sciences. In addition, we are seeking participation from members of the Global Evidence Synthesis Initiative, an intersectoral evidence organization for low and middle income countries;. Other invitees will include representatives of Wiley & Sons (publishers of the Cochrane Library); the SAMRC; South African National Department of Health, European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership and others partners.

For more information


Lingue: Inglese