Fascicolo Clima
Il fascicolo di ProClim offre una panoramica sulle conoscenze nell’ambito del clima e dei cambiamenti a livello mondiale. Si rivolgono alla Community scientifica, agli organi decisionali, ai moltiplicatori e al pubblico interessato.
Stato delle conoscenze
ProClim − Forum per il clima e i cambiamenti globali (ProClim)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
“Beating the Heat” Conference 2024
Situated within the field of urban climatology and related disciplines, the conference will offer an opportunity to present findings from past and on-going research projects as well as practical applications in planning and implementation. The conference also aims at providing a platform to network and strengthen the exchange of the Swiss research, service, and implementation community focussing on the multifaceted interactions between cities, climate (change), and human health.
The seventh IPCC assessment cycle - decisions of the plenary session from 27 July to 2 August 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria
At the plenary meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Sofia at the beginning of August 2024, decisions were made on which additional IPCC products will be developed during the seventh assessment cycle (AR7) up to 2029, as well as on the content and timetable of the first two of them. Discussions on the timetable for the main report have been postponed to February 2025. The calls for authors of a special and a methodological report are already underway (deadlines 4 and 10 September 2024).
K3 Kongress zu Klimakommunikation 2024
Der K3 Kongress zu Klimakommunikation gibt einen Überblick über den internationalen Stand der Forschung zur Klimakommunikation und macht neue Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung nutzbar. Er vernetzt wichtige Akteur:innen aus den Bereichen Politik, Verwaltung und Wirtschaft, Interessensvertretungen, NGOs sowie Medien und PR und möchte mit der Frage nach wirksamer Klimakommunikation Menschen zum Handeln bewegen.
Immagine: K3