Call for nominations: Prix de Quervain for High Altitude Research
With the Prix de Quervain, the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, through their Commissions for Polar and High Altitude Research (SCPH) and of the High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch (SKHFJ), are committed to support early career researchers in the fields of polar and high altitude research. The prize is awarded annually, alternating between these fields. In years focused on high altitude research, the award is additionally supported by the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research.

The Prix de Quervain 2025 will be awarded for outstanding research conducted in or originating from high mountain regions, e.g., cryosphere research, atmospheric research in the free troposphere, or high altitude medicine.
Eligible to participate are early career researchers who have completed their master's, doctoral or postdoctoral work after 13 March 2023 at a research institution in Switzerland. Submissions will be evaluated based on their scientific significance, originality, implementation in science and/or practice as well as the quality of the presentation. The evaluation process will consider the varying work levels and the academic age of the applicants.
The prize money of CHF 5,000 will be awarded in full or divided among recipients, depending on the quality of the work submitted. The award ceremony is scheduled for 5 September 2025, during which the prize winner/s present its/their award-winning work at the Swiss Polar Day, expected to be held in Zurich.
Submissions must be done online before 14 March 2025 and comprise:
– Fully completed form – CV and publication list of the candidate
– Nominated work
– Recommendation letter from the supervisor of the nominated work (1 A4 page)