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Risques majeurs et questions en suspens liés à la modification du rayonnement solaire comme mesure climatique
Les méthodes techniques visant à réduire le rayonnement solaire et à refroidir la Terre comportent des risques considérables et largement inconnus. Outre des recherches spécifiques sur les éventuels impacts, il faudrait un cadre réglementaire international pour permettre une approche coordonnée à l’échelle mondiale et éviter les abus. De plus, les méthodes ne peuvent pas remplacer les mesures de réduction des gaz à effet de serre. Une nouvelle fiche d’information résume l’état des connaissances et indique dans quels domaines il convient d’agir.
Immagine: freestockgallery.deSolar radiation modification (Scientific Opinion)
Solar radiation modification (SRM), such as stratospheric aerosol injection or cloud brightening, might have the potential to prevent further global warming and reduce some of its effects. However, the benefits and risks of SRM are highly uncertain. Two reports within the framework of the EU Scientific Advice Mechanism review the current scientific knowledge and provide an opinion on SRM with policy recommendations on research as well as on potential deployment and options for governance.
Solar radiation modification (Evidence Review Report)
Solar radiation modification (SRM), such as stratospheric aerosol injection or cloud brightening might have the potential to prevent further global warming and reduce some of its effects. However, the benefits and risks of SRM are highly uncertain. Two reports within the framework of the EU Science Advice Mechanism review the current scientific knowledge and provide an opinion on SRM with policy recommendations on research and potential deployment and options for governance.