La piattaforma unisce le società specifiche e organi scientifici che si dedicano ai diversi settori delle scienze della terra. Funge da punto di contatto tra i diversi campi specifici delle scienze della terra nonché tra ricerca, pratica, amministrazione, politica e pubblico.di più

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VAO Symposium 2020


10:00 - 17:00

Luogo della manifestazione

University of Bern
Dep of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Lecture hall EG16
Freiestrasse 3
3012 Bern

Since 19 April 2012 the “Virtual Alpine Observatory“ (VAO) has been operating as a network of European High Altitude Research Stations based in the Alps and similar mountain ranges. This cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation has made it possible to address in great depth scientific problems relating to the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere systems, and also the possible impact of environmental influences on health.

Die Forschungsstation auf dem Jungfraujoch, ein wichtiger Knotenpunkt für die internationale Überwachung der CO2-Konzentration
Immagine: Hochalpine Forschungsstation Jungfraujoch
