La rete interdisciplinare e transdisciplinare, promuove la conoscenza e il dibattito relativo al paesaggio e ai processi che lo modificano. Adotta iniziative per proposte di progettazione, di sviluppo e di tutela. Per questo motivo, le Alpi, i parchi e le aree protetti costituiscono le priorità del forum.di più

Immagine: Naturmotive, stock-adobe.comdi più

News FoLAP


Teaserbild ForumAlpinum 2024

ForumAlpinum 2024 - Program online

ForumAlpinum 2024 titled "The Alps – a Refuge of Bio- and Geodiversity?" will focus on biodiversity and geodiversity that are under severe threat - worldwide and especially in sensitive ecosystems

Immagine: Lena Kropivšek
Teaser Einführung in die ästhetische Landschaftsbewertung

Einführung in die ästhetische Landschaftsbewertung

Die Stiftung Landschaftsschutz veranstaltet einen Kurs zum Thema ästhetische Landschaftsbewertung. Er richtet sich an Personen, die beruflich mit Landschaftsplanungen zu tun haben, Umewltverträglichkeitsberichte und Dossiers im Bereich Landschaft und Baukultur


Forum Paesaggio, Alpi, Parchi (FoLAP)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

Newsletter Symbol

Il Forum invia ad intervalli irregolari una newsletter con informazioni interessanti sul paesaggio, le Alpi e i parchi. Siete interessati? Vi preghiamo di inviarci un'e-mail.

Seed Money / Support of projects

You would like to launch a (research) project in the areas of landscape, alps and/or parks and need additional funding? Under the list below you will find existing funding opportunities in the FoLAP thematic areas for Switzerland. The list is incomplete and will therefore be continuously updated. We also draw your attention to current calls, especially within the FoLAP core themes, in our newsletter.

Student papers

SCNAT's Sustainability Research Initiative focuses on sustainability and spatial development in its white paper:

The file landscape of the Forum Landscape, Alps, Parks offers an overview of current topics and discourses in the field of landscape. It contains scientific reports, fact sheets and publications from research centers, research-related institutions, internationally recognized bodies and federal offices. It is aimed at policy makers, the scientific community, landscape practitioners and the interested public: