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Bild: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmehr

EADI Webinar: Digital Work in the Global South: A Chance for Transformative Development?

Jana Kleibert will discuss her research on the opportunities and limitations of economic development models that build upon creating employment in information-technology enabled services.

Mensch (Symbolbild)
Bild: Robert_Kneschke, stock.adobe.com

Drawing on the experiences of the Philippines, India and Kenya, she discusses the socio-spatial implications for economic development resulting for places that insert themselves into digitally-transmitted global production networks. She unravels some broader trends and structures that have enabled employment generation in particular historical moments and places. Moreover, her talk reveals how the sector based on constant restructuring presents a challenge for achieving transformative economic development.

For further information and registration visit the EADI website


Sprachen: Englisch